Customer Review: "fast and easy installation" ...yeah, right!
I give this product one star because the box promises "fast and easy installation" yet it utterly fails to instuct me in how to put these on the car! (It's not intuitive and I'm no idiot, thank you very much) The installation instructions provided on the cardboard backing consist of a series of tiny drawings of a pair of hands holding various hard-to-identify objects performing various undescribed tasks that all look the same! What is the weird tool for? How does it work? What is happening in the pictures? What's the objective? Absurd!
Customer Review: Bosch sure beats the normal replacements
I can sure tell the difference after my husband installed the new Bosch wiper blades. The streaks on the windshield are gone & no more wiper blade chatter! I recommend them to anyone.
Giant. Huge, Massive. OK, a bit cliche, but appropriate. I know that any decent PDR Tech could make nice scratch by servicing ONLY New car Dealers, For NEW CARS. I don't know why (see the term lazy) but PDR Techs overlook and don't walk/write the new cars at dealers.
And new car dealers usually want these cars, uhm, new. So, they usually will approve these repairs, yet no one usually takes the time to walk them. Why? Because there usually isnt sufficient volume for a busy PDR Tech to take notice. But, lets for conversation sake, say you are NOT a busy PDR Tech with 6 days worth of business, and you could use some more business.
Why not walk new cars? Go see the sales manager, and present the list (you should be able to easily find 1-3 cars at any decent dealer at any time) and I suggest pricing the repairs accordingly..rather inexpensively if you are in fact hungry. Don't give them a reason to say no..and if they have more than 4, do the next few for free.
Common' now..new car, Paintless Dent Removal is almost ALWAYS easy! The damage is usually very minimal, so the repairs wont take you but a few minutes and should be done in no time, and should net you a few hundred, and now you are off to your next new car dealer to rinse and repeat.
Do a few of these a day, and you should be able to average $600-800 daily, and at that rate, you will make more than $10,000 a month!
Crazy how people overlook the numbers, huh...
If you are interested in autobody reconditioning and want to learn more about the new lucrative business of Paintless Dent Repair, then read all about it on http://nodents.com/
Happy Pushing!
Wide Collection of Mbt Shoes
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